History/background of your organization:
St. Hyacinth Parish is a Catholic church located at 1414 West Becher Street, and serves Milwaukee ZIP Codes 53215, 53204, 53221 and more spondaic. It is a beacon for those looking for spiritual and social refuge.
We currently serve 3167 individual members in 1018 households. Since 1883, our parish has identified itself by the waves of immigrants that built and supported this community.
From brick and mortar in the beginning, through sweat and passion over the years, the legacy of our roots draws from a spread of cultures that is nearly as diverse as the entirety of Milwaukee, German, Polish and now a range of Hispanic immigrants have called St. Hyacinth their parish.
Today the population we serve is 98 percent Hispanic and the rest Caucasian] St. Hyacinth serves the community not only through worship and faith activities, but also through a food pantry. Our food pantry serves 600 families’ per months people and distributes 30,000 – 50,000 pounds of food monthly
Project description:
Our historical church has a roof that has not been replaced for 70 years. There are asbestos materials in the roof. We have repaired it as much as possible, but replacement is our only option. If the roof is not replaced, the church may have to be closed.
Typically, a church would go to its parishioners for donations to pay for a new roof. The population served by St. Hyacinth is among the lowest income bracket in the city of Milwaukee. The income range from $15,000 to $35,000. Our parishioners are incredibly active volunteers and we could not survive without the constant time and energy they contribute. But this is a population without the financial resources to maintain a nearly 150-year-old church building.
Today we are asking for your help in putting a new roof over the heads of our members in order to continue St. Hyacinth’s legacy of service to the Lincoln Village and Historic Mitchell Street neighborhoods.
Roof cost Fund $ 430,000
Raised Donations $ 98,000
Loan $ 210,000
Expected Grants, Donations and fundraising $ 150,000
Replacing Roof With EcoStar Majestic Slate $ 395,000
Copper Gutters & Downspouts Included
Cupola Repair and paint Included
Sub-Total of Proposals $ 395,000
Time & Material Costs $ 35,000
Total Budgeted Amount $ 430,000